News — love

Do You Love Your Life?

energy healing healing love Michelle Carter self-love

When you do love your life then time flies and what you do is enjoyable and fun!  I love what I do, my energy work, my Facebook groups and membership group, writing blog articles and reading wonderful comments from people who are grateful to have received my gifts and been inspired by my life. In fact, I enjoy doing this so much that I can find myself saying to myself, after doing this for a couple of hours and checking the time on my computer, 'wow, I really must do something now' and then I need to remind myself, that...

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3 Ways to Know if You Really Love Yourself

energy healing healing love Michelle Carter self-love

Do you love yourself? I mean really love yourself with kindness, caring and compassion? Or are you better at helping others, dishing out lots of love and kindness and then either forgetting yourself or worse still beat yourself up all the time? I often get asked, 'well how do we know if we really love ourselves?' HERE ARE 3 WAYS TO KNOW IF YOU DO REALLY LOVE YOURSELF WITH A TRUE, DEEP INNER CARING LOVE.          Mind - Self Talk - Do you support yourself in your mind or is there constant negative and destructive chatter going...

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Do You Have a Dream?

emotions energy energy healing feelings Law of Attraction love self-love vibrations

Are You Following Your Dream? Do you feel excited about your life, or at least one area of your life? Do you feel happy every day for no real reason?  Are you grateful for all you have?  Do you have more big dreams & inspirations?     If you answers to the above questions are Yes, then that's fantastic, well done!  You are following your dreams. If you have more no answers then yes answers and if your life seems to be a struggle and you hate your job, have no real passions or hobbies then you are not following...

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How Can I Heal Myself?

energy healing healing love Michelle Carter self-love

Have You Tried Everything without Success? Whether it is a physical illness, emotional issue or some kind of block in your life, even being stuck in lack, the answer is the same for all issues: Stop trying to heal it, fix, make it go away and fill it with Love instead!     Now I totally understand that may not make any sense to you, because I have been there, so let me explain what this really means. All our thoughts, beliefs and actions are energy that are sending out a vibration into the universe, a bit  like when you...

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The Global Shift & A New Way of Living!

Energy energy healing Global Global change Love Michelle Carter self-love

Well I say 'A New Way of Living', but actually it is very, very old! It's the way we used to live before industry and technology took over, and the way natives still live today. I'm not referring to lack of industry and technology though, I'm talking about how we have  lost touch with nature and our inner instincts that guide us so well.  We are all so programmed by society to live by rules and regulations and to think our way through our lives. This is such a large block for so many people that I was guided to...

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