News — grounding

Grounding - Why is it taught?

grounding Truth

Grounding - Why is it taught?

Grounding is so very widely taught in the spiritual world, but why? I can remember being told when I first came to spiritual work that I had to ground before doing any energy / spiritual work and this was done by placing your feet flat on the ground and connecting to earth and to imagine or feel  like I had roots growing out of my feet, like the roots of a tree going into earth. Well I tried doing this, like I was told to, and I didn't really get it and didn't see the point in it, so I didn't...

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Pure Flows!

Awaken earth energy healing Global change grounding heaven Pure source

I was typing one of my daily posts for my membership group and it sort of wandered and evolved into something that felt important and like it needed sharing wider than my group so here it is! I'm also feeling that it would be good to have a discussion on the matrix, grids, webs and all these energies that are keeping us anchored in - what are you feeling when you read this? I did some powerful energy work on twin flame connections last night, doing 'un-grounding' and that was HUGE!! I know many people teach grounding and many are...

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