
All You Need is Love!

love self-love

How much better would be all FEEL if we felt Totally, Unconditionally Loved? You would feel amazing! Happy to be alive, full of life and radiating Love out to the rest of the World! It is our Spirit or Soul that determines how happy we feel. If is filled with Pure Love, then we Feel Enlivened - our spirit feels alive - and our life is great!     When we don’t feel full of love and put ourselves down and allow others to put us down, then our spirit feels heavy and life is a struggle. We may have some...

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Connecting to Our Souls

emotions feelings soul

Connecting to Our Souls

Feelings are the language of our Souls! This is so such a true statement. If you are feeling any negative emotion then that is a message from your soul that it is not happy about something and it would like you to change so that it can feel happy emotions -  so You Can Feel Happy Emotions!Ignoring your souls communication will result in louder requests, and if we continue to ignore our soul then major life changes will appear in our lives, such as illness, relationship break ups, bankruptcy, redundancy or job changes, or the feeling that everything in our...

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High & Low Vibrations / Frequency

beliefs emotions energy frequency high low vibrations

The Highs & Lows We now know that everything is energy. It is also true that every single object, person, sound, smell, emotion etc has a vibration. These vibrations have been measured with scientific equipment and given a numerical value, which shows how high or low that particular energy is. We also know that it is a Universal Law that Like Attracts Like. YOU are energy, YOU have a vibration and as like attracts like, what vibrations of energy is your vibration attracting?  What vibrations are you surrounding yourself with, listening to, looking at? Are you fully AWARE of everything...

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Energy - How does it Affect Us?

What is Energy? We have all felt the bad energy in a room when there has just been an argument! So on one level we all know that the energy of feelings and emotions exist, but most of us are unaware of how many energies there are around us and exactly how much they influence our lives. It is becoming more well known that science has proved that everything is energy, from a sofa to a tree and everything we can see! But all the things we cannot see are also energy, such as sound waves, music, TV, mobile phone...

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The Power of Energy - Imagine . . .

It is becoming more well known that science has proved that everything is energy, from a sofa to a tree and everything we can see! Look at the picture above, it has energy, it makes me feel good! You can see the sun shining on the leaves, the sky is blue, it is a lovely quote and the image has positive, uplifting energy.

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