Michelle Carter
Shift The Frequency - Physical Pain
Shift The Frequency - Physical Pain
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Shift Out of Frequencies of
Physical Pain
Being in pain is not pleasant at all and can really drain us and wear us down, both emotionally and physically, causing stress and illness.
Taking pain killers long term is not a good solution, and most people do not find a good solution to pain, let alone a good long term solution to pain.
I decided to record these audios because I had this ongoing pain in one of my toes that I kept stubbing and was not healing. It was painful to wear shoes and walk and I'd had enough of it. I have to say that I was amazed that the pain went after recording the first audio, Revoking Black Magic, and I could not just touch my toe but I could squeeze it without pain and put on shoes and walk - so WOW! That surprised me and succeeded my expectations.
I have had feedback from a friend who I sent these audios too and was told that back and neck pain from sleeping and had this comment, which again is very impressive!
'It almost feels like I took an ibuprofen or some kind of pain medicine.'
Since we all have experienced some kind of physical pain in our lives, I feel these audios are essential for every household, like an energetic first aid kit. Buy and keep for ever to use on any kind of physical pain that you or your family encounter.
Imagine never needing to buy and use painkillers again . . .
If you are working on releasing emotional issues that cause you to feel physical pain, then working with these audios will release the physical pain making it easier to release any emotional or other issues that have physical pain connected to them.
The energy work on these audios is working on:
Physical Pain including All energies causing physical pain and activating of the pain nerves.
Stored Pain / Past Life Pain
I was surprised at how much energy was releasing for me and big snapping out of energy too as I was recording these audios and listening back to them, the Revoking Black Magic one, that I started with and then hugely with the Stored Memories. The energy kept leaving and I felt that very deep stuck stored pain energy was leaving, energy that I didn't know was there.
When you think about it logically then it is obvious that we will have stored pain in our bodies as it is a frequency, but it can be something that we overlook when it comes to energy work. Sure we will want to release pain we are feeling in the moment, but once it is gone then it is usually forgotten until we feel more pain or the same pain come back.
Feeling such deep energy leaving, without feeling any actual pain, was quite a strange feeling, and after a while I felt a freeing feeling and an energising feeling, like anchors had been cut or lifted and energy harvesting from past lives had been stopped.
So these audios will not only work on any current pain that you are experiencing but they will work very deeply on all the stored pain in your body and from past lives, and just like with any other frequency, this needs to be shifted out as it is attracting more pain to us all the time it is being stored in our body and energy field. I also feel that stored pain acts as a feeding store for dark energies and having this pain in you is what makes being free of evil and sabotage attacks to hard, we have hidden energy stores in us, anchoring us down and feeding the dark.
If you have suffered from SRA or past life torture then these audios will work very deeply on that buried, blocked or hidden physical pain, which needs to be shifted out so you can feel good.
Shift the Frequency 5 Audio Set
These audios are short, powerful and to the point!
This is my most powerful energy work to date, using my knowledge and experience from the last ten years to create these audios, that really kick a punch and get the job done - kind of like knocking back a triple espresso - so be warned, super powerful!
If you understand energy and frequency then you will know that any frequency that is stored in our energy is attracting like energy to us, so we want to be free of all energies and frequencies that are not working for us and bringing in the good.
I have designed these audios to Revoke, Release, Disconnect and Delete all frequencies of the energy stored in us from black magic, DNA Coding, The Matrix and past experiences and memories.
I have worked with these releases in remote group work and in personal work with clients and the results have been so positive that I felt I needed to create this energy work as audios so that it can be widely used by all.
The advantage of working with audios is that you can go at your own pace to suit your schedule, either slow and steady or bite the bullet and get it done, just don't overdo it at the start. You can focus on one audio at a time and stick with that audio until you feel the energy is clear, or you can work through all four audios, repeating as needed with the new Cosmos Clear Audio to keep the clearing energies moving out.
Each audio has been designed to work on a different way that we can have a frequency stored in us, and each of these is very different and needs the specific energy work to shift it out.
Deleting DNA Coding - Pain
Revoking Black Magic - Pain
Disconnecting from the Matrix - Pain
Releasing Stored Energies & Memories - Pain
Cosmos Clearing
What is true about any issue that we face is that if we have that frequency stored in our energy in some way then we will be either attracting more of it or at best struggling to shift out of it. It is only when we have completely cleared our energy of a frequency that we stop attracting it to us and so these audios have been designed to do just that, clear out all the frequencies of sabotage and attacking from your energy, doing this from different angles so no stone is left un-turned.
Deleting DNA Coding - Physical Pain
We have all the wisdom and knowledge of the universe stored in our DNA - amazing fact for you!
However, we also have all the dark, bad and ugly stored there too which is working against us. It's like having a computer program running inside of you that is attracting bad to you and constantly putting negative and unwanted thoughts in your mind.
Deleting the DNA code frequency is so powerful.
Can you imagine the frequency of that internal coding no longer affecting you? That is very powerful and something that just needs doing!
Revoking Black Magic - Physical Pain
This revoking Black Magic audio is working on the frequency of all spells, curses, witchcraft, black magic and hexes so it covers a lot!
In the past I have done energy work to release and revoke specific spells that have been done or spells done by specific people, as well as working on all spells and black magic being done. It makes sense to me that revoking the whole frequency of black magic is going to stop you being a flashing target for more of the same. We need this frequency gone from us to stop being a target and that is the purpose of this audio to revoke and remove all frequencies of spells, curses, witchcraft, black magic and hexes from your energy.
Disconnecting from the Matrix - Physical Pain
The Matrix is like an energetic spider's web that magnetically connects us all to each other and each other's unwanted bad habits and energies. This has a massive magnifying affect on any issue making it harder to release it.
If we don't disconnect from the Matrix then we are working on releasing all the energy of everyone connected to the Matrix, which is just too huge to do!
Releasing our own stored energy becomes a doable task once we have disconnected our energy from the Matrix energy.
Releasing Stored Energies & Memories - Physical Pain
All our past experiences and memories, in this life and past lives, are stored in our body and energy field. All these negative experiences and memories can haunt us and keep us stuck in a life that we don't want.
Releasing all the stored energy and memories, past and present is like putting down a heavy weight and feeling free, lighter, happier and feeling that we can finally live the life we desire and have always wanted!
Shift the Frequency - Audios
- Each audio is between 1.50 mins -2.10 mins
- Main track with audible powerful energy work
- 2 Silent Filling Tracks
- Silent Ungrounding Track
- Silent Clearing Track
- Silent Floating Track
- Format - mp3 downloads
- Cosmos Clearing Audio is 6 mins & is designed to be played on loop
If you would like more information about these audios then please email me.
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For Advice, Tips & Support on how to get the most out of these Shift the Frequency Audios, do join my FREE Shift the Frequency Support Group, private platform. You will receive the link in your welcome email that will follow after purchasing.