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Michelle Carter - Divine Channel

Releasing Chronic Fatigue & Tiredness - 3 Audio Package

Releasing Chronic Fatigue & Tiredness - 3 Audio Package

Regular price £17 GBP
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Energy Work to Lift Your Mood

Feel More Energised

Release the Fatigue

You Are Not Imagining this Fatigue! - It Is Real & It Can be Healed

I know from personal experience that these issues can be very debilitating, extremely challenging to live with and even harder to recover from.

After years of feeling exhausted and weak on and off and wondering if i was imagining it, because doctors could not diagnose anything being physically wrong with me to cause this, it really was such a huge relief to find out that there was a physical condition causing such chronic fatigue, and it was not all in my head as the doctors led me to believe! It's hard enough living and coping with chronic fatigue without having to deal with feeling everyone things it's made up or you're just being lazy!

I finally found out I had a physical condition, with a diagnose of severe chronic adrenal fatigue. A saliva test showed that my adrenals had been out of balance for years, going back to my teenage years when I had chronic tonsillitis and was taking a lot of antibiotics.

It was through doing a combination of releasing, filling and clearing energy work on myself that I managed to heal myself from chronic adrenal fatigue, where I was too physically tired to get out of bed and would crawl upstairs on my hands and knees if I had to go upstairs, to now living a normal active life!

You can read more about how I healed myself from severe adrenal fatigue in this article.

The following are symptoms of chronic fatigue and tiredness: 

  • Chronic tiredness especially after physical activity
  • Find it hard to get up in the mornings
  • Sleeping doesn't stop the tiredness
  • Sleep issues and disturbed sleep pattern
  • High stress levels
  • Mood swings
  • Depression and fed up with your life and being so tired

You can also check out my audio package for Adrenal Fatigue, Candida & Weight Gain if you feel you have more symptoms than chronic tiredness. 

Releasing Chronic Fatigue & Tiredness - 3 Audio Package

  • Audio 1: Recovering from CFS & Adrenal Fatigue
  • Audio 2: Releasing and Affirming Health Statements
  • Audio 3: I Give Thanks

We all know that being thankful is a high vibration and is necessary to manifest our desires into our life. This short audio reminds us of the simple things in life that we can be grateful for. It helps us to be grateful, think of things to be thankful for. When we are thankful, our lives do become calmer and we are much more able to be kind and loving towards others.

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