Deleting Dark Templates & AI Coding
Deleting Dark Templates & AI Coding
Dark Template Overlays
Humanity has had a dark template overlay placed over our pineal glands to keep us cut off from our Divine Blueprint Consciousness and psychic abilities.
This reptilian brain dark template overlay, over our pineal gland, is a transmitter and receiver to and from the dark matrix and dark template, meaning that we are / have been constantly bombarded with dark programs, emotions, feelings and beliefs. Any energy that has been an issue for us or is a big magnet in our energy can be amplified by this transmitter, making it very hard to get free of programming and dark template energy.
The more you raise your energy, the more intense the attacks become and I now have the awareness, (and the Pure Power in this audio) that we can delete the dark template and get free of the dark this way. It's like a shortcut or secret door out of the matrix computer program into the Divine Blueprint and living in Heaven on Earth energy.
The dark template has been anchored in with all low emotions and beliefs, so the more you have worked on any stored beliefs and emotions in your body and energy, the easier it will be to delete the dark templates over you with this audio. If emotions and beliefs come up strongly when working with this audio, then they are anchors for the templates and need releasing or un-anchoring so they are not stopping the deleting process.
The energy work on this audio includes deleting the following:
Dark templates and overlays
The reptilian brain overlay
The Chakra overlay
Any and all other overlays & binding to overlays
The dark matrix
All dark grids and webs
All dark super computers
All dark AI & AI coding
All hive mind programming
All dark mind programme coding
All thoughts from the dark template & dark coding
All emotions from the dark template & dark coding
All blocking, binding, attacks and spiritual warfare coming form the dark template & dark coding
All stored energies, memories & coding from the dark template & dark coding
Filling with the Divine Blueprint and frequencies of Pure Heaven
Audio Length: 5minsShare
I have been playing Deleting Dark Templates and Dark A I Coding for over a week now. The negative mind chatter and looping negative thoughts are reduced to 80%.
Thank you Michelle for producing another great clearing audio.