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Michelle Carter Divine Channel

Cosmos Floating

Cosmos Floating

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Raise Your Frequency

Accelerate Your Ascension

Feel Connected to Higher Realms

Calming & Comforting to Listen to

Have Your Life Flow with Divine Ease


Cosmos Floating

This Cosmos Floating audio is incredibly calming and comforting to listen to!

I had this audio playing on loop through headphones after recording it and whilst creating the album cover image, and I felt the shift in my energy almost instantly, out of feeling concerned about an issue in my life, to feeling totally calm, relaxed and trusting that all will work out fine, so I can personally testify that this audio really works in just minutes, to raise your frequency and have you feeling calm.

My intentions for this audio are to raise your frequency into a much higher frequency, to feel calmer, accelerate your ascension and have your life flow with Divine ease.

When we are in matrix and 3D energy then our life is governed by those energies. If we desire miracles in our life and for it flow with Divine ease then we need to be aligned with the frequencies of miracles and Divine ease which is so much higher than 3D and matrix energy and way above stress, worry and the frequencies that we can find ourselves in with the current collective energies. 

Benefits of Floating

The benefits of floating your energy are:

  • Raise Your Frequency
  • Accelerate Your Ascension
  • Feel Connected to Higher Realms
  • Feel Calmer and in Pure Stillness
  • Have Your Life Flow with Divine Ease

Raising Your Frequency

Raising your frequency is so important because not only does it align us to the frequency of attracting good and manifesting our desires to us, but it also protects us against lower energies and really protects us.

When your frequency is really high, it will repel lower energies and frequencies from you, so it is the best protection you can have, as well as feeling so good to be living in a high frequency.

Accelerate Your Ascension

The higher your frequency is, the quicker your will ascend. 

We can raise our frequency with various healing techniques, doing things we love and being out in nature, but maintaining a high frequency is more challenging, and we need to hold a high frequency to speed up our ascension and smooth out all those dips, when life and stress hits us. 

This audio works to keep your frequency high, when you play it on loop, and doing this will accelerate your ascension. 

Feel Connected to Higher Realms

The higher our frequency, the more connected we are to Higher Realms, the Angels and our Divine Guidance and Wisdom. 

Life is easier when we feel more connected, get more messages and synchronistic signs that we are on the right path. 

Feel Calmer and in Pure Stillness

Feeling calm and in stillness is almost a miracle in itself! 

It can be so hard to feel this with modern society living and when we do feel it, it can be challenging to maintain it. 

You will really love the feeling of being in stillness and feeling calm, with no stress, worries or anxiety, just living in the moment. 

It's how we are meant to be and live!

Have Your Life Flow with Divine Ease

Our lives are meant to flow with Divine Ease and be fun. I know that most Light Souls have had a life of the opposite because we have been existing in such low frequencies. The more we raise our frequency then the more we align with flowing in Divine ease and having a better, calmer life.

This is something that you need to experience to believe, and this short but powerful audio will raise your frequency, have you feeling calm and being more aligned with Divine ease. The more you play this audio, (once you are adjusted to the higher frequencies) the more powerful the effects will be for you. 

About This Audio

You can listen to this audio on it's own through headphones and enjoy and soak up the Floating Energies and feel amazing, or you can add it to your Shift the Frequency, Releasing, Disconnecting Audios to keep your frequency high between listening to those releasing and disconnecting audios. 

This audio can be played on low volume or silent in the background as well, but please do listen to it a few times before doing this because if you're not used to my energy work and such high frequencies you could feel light headed, spacey or sleepy.

The audio is very simple and clear in intention, to raise your frequency, for ascension, to feel calm and relaxed, connected to your soul and higher realms. 

The following words are repeated throughout the audio.

Cosmos Floating
Floating, Floating, Floating

Audio: mp3 download

Length: Approx 3 mins

Please do not play this audio whilst driving or needing your full focus, you may feel spacey, light headed or sleepy.

Free On Going Support!

For Advice, Tips & Support on how to get the most out of these Raise Your Frequency Audios, do join my FREE Shift the Frequency Support Group, private platform. You will receive the link in your welcome email that will follow after purchasing.


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