Michelle Carter Divine Channel
Releasing Parasites, Worms, Fungus, Mould
Releasing Parasites, Worms, Fungus, Mould
Releasing Parasites, Worms,
Fungus, Mould
Audios for this has been requested by a client, and I know that parasites, worms, fungus and mould have become a big issue for people right now, most likely coming from our food and or water supply which has become very contaminated over the years.
If you have this issue then I'm sure you already know all the symptoms of it, so I'll skip writing about that and focus on the cure.
2 Audio Releasing Set
I have recorded this energy work as two separate audios so that you can really work on the energy in your body right now without being overwhelmed with any stored energies from past lives, other dimensions or timelines.
When releasing health issues we want the symptoms to be gone as quickly as possible without any detoxing symptoms, and this is why I've split the energy work into the two orders for your physical body now and for past lives and also for future lives, timelines so that these energies cannot come back into your body or energy field again.
About These Audios
Audio 1 is releasing, transmuting and purifying all parasites, worms, fungus and mould from all of your cells and all of your physical body.
It is also releasing, transmuting and purifying all micro toxins causing pain from mould and fungus from all of your cells and your physical body.
Audio 2 is working on releasing through past lives, existences and all timelines, past, present and future to ensure that these energies are fully gone from all of your energy and can't come back.
Both audios have the following filling energy work before and after the releasing statements.
Cosmos Filling your physical body with Pure Peace, Pure Stillness, Pure Love, Pure Light, Pure Love Consciousness
Audios - mp3 downloads
Audio 1 - Approx Length: 1.35 mins
Audio 2 - Approx Length: 1.10 mins
Listening Advice
Please start by listening Audio 1 just once and playing a Clearing Audio afterwards, especially if you are new to my energy work.
I recommend that you work with Audio 1 only until your symptoms have decreased and then you can add in working with Audio 2. If you work with Audio 2 straight away you could have a lot of energies releasing at once and have detox symptoms going on.
Once you are used to audio 1 you can loop it and then the same with audio 2.
Both audios will work on silent loop, but is more powerful when you listen through headphones.
Recommended Audios that Compliment this Audio
Love & Self-Love Package
Health & Physical Body
Pure Relaxation
Shift the Frequency - Detox
Physical Body - Nutrients
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For Advice, Tips & Support on how to get the most out of my Audios, please do join my FREE Audio Support Group, private platform. You will receive the link in your welcome email that will follow after purchasing.

I think I feel the energy, not sure. I don't know how much I need to listen to it..