Testimonials Shopify


Michelle has many amazing thank you letters and testimonials from her happy customers.

 Please do read through some of them to hear how Michelle's work has really positively changed so many lives.


I have been listening to your work over the past 10 yrs or so... you are the only healer from when I started my journey that I keep coming back too 🥰🙏🙌 as I always feel a shift from your energy work.

- Moni, UK

I thank you so much for being there for me at all times.  It really was like you held the faith in me until I was strong enough to have and feel that same faith myself.
 - Robin, USA

Reunited with her daughter

“If you are feeling like you need some support and healing,I would definitely recommend Michelle's energy work, it is very powerful! She is one of the kindest, genuine & caring people I know and does amazing work for Humanity and the planet. Michelle has a Facebook group where you can connect with like minded souls where you can feel safe and get loads of support. 

I am the biggest skeptic, so to meet somebody I could really trust and feel safe with was good for me. I will give you one example, my daughter and my relationship had become really difficult to the point that she said I was dead to her, which hurt me deeply as she is my only child. Michelle suggested I do 'The spells and curses audio' in case this was effecting our relationship as well as sending lots of love & light and support from the group. I can now report that my daughter and I have a close relationship again. She found a wonderful job in the road right next to mine so she drops off her little dog for me to look after everyday and I get to see her everyday. I believe in doing energy work everyday to raise my vibration so I can help others! :-) Michelle's newest package "Disconnecting from dark"  is the most powerful energy work to date.”    

~ Jacqui Venter, S Africa

Healing Transmissions

Michelle Carter’s healing transmissions are like no others. The energies are quite amazing and very powerful! You can actually feel the energies even when listening to a recorded telesummit. Something I have never encountered before. The healing transmissions are perfect in length neither too long and a joy to listen to.

— Nicky (UK)

You were there for me during my darkest hours

Michelle, you are such a pure soul, gifted healer and loving human being. It has been a true gift to find you and have your help releasing the dark, gritty energies and resistant patterns I thought I could never escape. Your ability to bring through such tremendous light and disconnect people from energies that don’t serve them is so effective, it’s almost magical. But what truly sets you apart from many healers I’ve worked with is how deeply devoted you are to your clients.

You were there for me during my darkest hours, lovingly supporting me and pulling me through, with unceasing kindness and words of encouragement, and I know you’ve done the same for many others in your groups.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and care, Michelle. I look forward to working with you again, because really, who you are and the work you do are “above and beyond” my experience of any “program”! :)

— Kathy, (USA)

You are one of the kindest, nicest, loveliest, most genuine, encouraging and caring people 

I am blessed to have met. You went far beyond the extra mile with me. You explained all the things to do and then you follow up with me to make sure I have everything and I know what to do.

You are such a dear sweet soul. It radiates from you to me. You are inspiring. You make me feel like you genuinely care for me. You have such a strong positive vibration to me that I think my condition can shift just by being around you. You are spectacular! Truly you are.

— Pete, (New York, USA)

Releasing spells & curses

Michelle Carter has helped me several times with a personal issue concerning dark energies/spells that have been attacking my daughter. Each time she did dark energies releasing on my daughter there was a notable change in my daughter’s behaviour - what a relief! I felt understood and taken seriously. Michelle’s work and her personal assistance are priceless!

— Noemi

I finally feel like I am free

"Michelle - You are nothing short of a miracle worker!

I have had 5 other healers in the last year try to tackle the dark energies that were holding my body and my life hostage and they barely scratched the surface. After one live session, one phone session and using your audio releasing packages I finally feel like I am free. After a year in hell I am getting my life back on track.

I am looking forward to clearing out the remaining debris in the next couple of weeks in your new Intensive program. No limitations!

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Much love and light,"

~ Beth Joy USA

Releasing satanic abuse in past lives

In the past, I was told that I had undergone what was called 'satanic abuse in past lives', I hadn't heard of it before, so came as a surprise. I didn't get any details, & never knew what had happened.

So the first time I had a phone session with Michelle, I enquired about this, and asked if we could begin to clear whatever was there. Interestingly, when Michelle was doing the clearing, it was as though I could feel or sense what I can only describe as a fog of sorts materialize, and then I 'felt' a memory of being tied down, and when I tried to fight back or escape, I could actually feel (very clearly) being stabbed in the left upper leg (there was no pain, but I could feel it very clearly--just without any pain; which makes sense--being a past life memory) It was as if this cellular/soul memory was being cleared out and dissipated.

Historically there have been satanic sects, certain cults and pagan religions that practiced human sacrifice rituals. A past life memory of this was cleared on the phone session with Michelle.

Thanks Michelle for sharing your amazing gifts, for being a Light-worker with great kindness, compassion, purity and integrity, and for being an Angel on earth to assist in ascending back into the Light.

 - Jennifer, USA

Michelle’s work goes very deep and is very thorough

"I have been in an intense cutting dark energies program and can say first hand that Michelle’s work goes very deep and is very thorough. If you have these energies in your energy field, they will be released by Michelle's work.

I am feeling so much lighter these days and highly recommend the dark energies program to all of those who are clearing their fields of negative dark energies, and want to clear them for good. Michelle is compassionate and very aware of how her work can affect people. Because of this a closeness develops between all those participating in the program. It has been a very important part of my spiritual journey. I highly recommend it for those who are willing to experience sometimes uncomfortable feelings and emotions that are being released."

~ Amy – USA

I recommend Michelle, because she is Pure Divine Love

"Many healers heal, but few stand by you and support you through the tough times which often come when one starts to work with and release all the stored up low energies...she has created around her a group who truly, truly love and support one another, the likes of which I have never experienced before. There is true healing, power and compassion in every word, every clearing and every thing she does. I know there are many great healers around today, Thank God, but I would not recommend any other than Michelle, because she is pure Divine Love ♥ ♥ ♥ gratitude for you ♥ ♥ ♥"

~ Rachel

I was about to commit suicide before I started your programs

"I have been in Michelle's programs since August... I've been working with energy and releasings for almost 35 years; I am also an energy therapist and I have made more shifts, clearings and releases with Michelle than all the years before her... broken free of deep core past life issues as well as this life and recently huge clearings of womb stuff, never have I felt so light and clear....Michelle; I'm noticing as time goes on your gift/skill/work/magic/transmissions/releases are getting more clear, focused, expansive and powerful as time goes on, thought that last intensive program was amazing and wow! the releases! and then I attended your NYC workshop and I'm still reaping the amazing benefits from that, broke through some major stuff! that last call on March 8 really blasted out layers and I'm still listening over and over.... so excited and looking forward to this next intensive program that starts Friday and I'm already feeling shifts from the extra transmissions you are sending... i can actually say I'm happy to be alive and looking forward to the days ahead, pretty amazing considering I was about to commit suicide before I started your programs; I had lost faith and it was feeling like greed and war was taking over, but now I have my faith back and I'm looking forward to a future of love and high vibes and my future is now! I thank you from deep within my heart and soul Michelle for being such a beautiful healing shining light and spreading divine love and high vibes to make the world a happy loving place to be... much love and high vibes to you Michelle!"

~ Deb Goldman – USA

Michelle has opened up the space for knowing I can be who I truly am, which is Love

"I came across Michelle and her work on a tele-summit show, I had it on in the background multi-tasking and didn't pay much attention until she did her Pure Love Transmission, it nudged my interest enough for me to stop/rewind/replay and listen properly.

Now she warns you about getting light headed (I have been on this path for 20+ years and have had a lot of energy experiences) and no kidding did I get spun out in the best way. I have done 2 of her releasing programs and she is one of the most generous, kind hearted, real and authentic people I have come across. The transmissions and releasing are palpable and my life feels blessed with Michelle in it. I now can release on issues so much faster and return to a space of love, ease and peace.

More than anyone else Michelle has opened up the space in me for knowing I can be who I truly am, which is Love. I love Michelle's programs and am forever grateful for coming across them and her, she is an angel and one you can relate to."

~ Lorna Crothers

She helps you polish and shine your vibrational energies!

"Michelle Carter is the Lightworkers' Lightworker. She truly comes from the purest place of Divine Light and Pure Love in her transmissions and coaching, opening the way for your own clearest communication with your Soul. She helps you polish and shine your vibrational energies as you uncover the gem of your own best self!

I am so honored to be among the first to experience Michelle and her joyful gifts. You owe it to yourself to invest your time with this joyful and blessed being! With Gratitude & Boundless Joy!"

~ Joanne Herrmann 

Working with Michelle has really changed my life.

"Since working with Michelle on her dark energy programme my life has really turned around. This energy work with Michelle has been the catalyst for releasing me from a place of utter hopelessness, which I had been in for many years. Through Michelle’s energy work and being a member of her dynamic group where the support is just amazing, I have felt so much lighter and happier. I am still a work in progress but I feel able to cope so much better now. I know with Michelle’s help I will be able to release the remaining physical problems I have had for 20 plus years. I am now spiraling upwards instead of downwards thanks to Michelle’s amazing work. I am just so grateful that I heard Michelle and bought her package, working with Michelle has really changed my life. "

~ Jeannette USA

I no longer have the fear of the dark energies holding me back

In the past I have been shut down with the effects of dark energies. They have created a lot of fear in me and stopped me moving forward with my life. Then I connected with Michelle and her work. Her work with clearing dark energies has made a huge difference in my life. I no longer have the fear and the effects of the dark energies holding me back and I am now able to move forward with a sense of freedom. I feel safe, protected and I have my power back and I have a wonderful tool with her audios that I can turn to if ever I feel the need. Michelle is a true inspiration with her attitude, courage and determination in the work she does to free people of the dark so they can shine their lights and be all that they are meant to be. Thank you Michelle, I will be forever grateful. "

~ Dawn, New Zealand

Michelle's work has been a game changer for me.

"I have been working with Michelle for over a year now and can definitely say that her powerful ability to channel Divine Energies to remove issues and energies is like none other I have experienced. Specifically, her dark energies work is truly life changing. I feel that it is definitely an important step to take for Light-workers or anyone who is having trouble truly shifting out difficult issues. Her dark energies audios and programs go to the source of those issues and blast those pesky energies out while also filling with Divine Energies to help attract and create a better state of being and life.

Michelle has truly been there, this is work she has done on herself so she is very understanding, so loving and supportive in all that she does. She is the real deal and her work gets results. I am in such a better place within me now compared to where I was before finding Michelle - I have been doing energy work with various healers and modalities consistently for over a decade and I do feel like Michelle's work has been a game changer for me."

~ Kimber USA

Michelle is so skilled, full of integrity, determination & awareness

"I began my journey of brightening my life & energy field with Michelle about 15 months ago.

I would encourage anyone who is truly wanting to be all they can be to take action & create the changes you so desire!

I was in such a place & my friend told me about Michelle Carter. I sat with it a while because I don't spend money on things I don't really need. I felt it was important for me to take the plunge & I am so very grateful I did!

Michelle speaks of dark magnets in our energy fields and that we need to clear them out & fill the space with pure love & joy & light. This allows us to live a much better life because we are vibrating, living & feeling good! We are open to asking & receiving!

I have done many segments of clearing myself of dark energies/magnets with Michelle. Michelle is so skilled, full of integrity, determination & awareness- all the while making the shift out very safe. She cares and is very involved in the process. She truly wants to help us & the world become a better place. Her work of filling us with love, light, peace & joy has escalated my process and I am so very grateful!

I have also enjoyed belonging to Michelle's Facebook group of SuperHighVibers. Michelle explains her energy transmissions of the day and encourages us to share our experiences so we can help each other out. AND, she answers questions! Very interactive & supportive!

So, if you're ready to do the work, create the change, I would recommend Michelle Carter!"

Love, blessings & extreme gratitude!

~ Jan Charbonneau - Pahoa, Hawaii

Your work is a godsend to me

"Michelle, it's obvious how devoted you are to your work; you sparkle, you shine, and you share your love throughout the process of clearing and healing. I want you to know how truly grateful I am for this. Your input in my healing process is one that I've been in need of for a very long while. Hence your work is a godsend to me and, I'm sure to many others who need more peace in their souls. Thank you so much for making my smile a bigger one!"

~ Marita F, Sweden

I feel that a lot of magical things happened in the 2 week releasing program

"I Just wanted to thank you for every release you have done on me, especially the last call from the 8th of March...so powerful!! Afterwards I have finally been able to get myself up to search for a more joyful and better job. Haven't had the energy before and I owe it so much to you and your work dear Michelle. Also I feel that a lot of magical things happened in the 2 week long Intensive releasing program I did with you in February, I am feeling more free and energised since then, a lot of layers shifted there. Thank you from my heart beautiful Michelle for everything you do for us all"

~ Annelie Matsson – Sweden

. Sometime after 24 hours and before 48 had passed, that lump was gone

"I had been experiencing grief from multiple deaths of some of our cats in the past few months (and cats are our "kids" in our family) and had found a small lump on the side of one breast that showed up in February that I was watching. At the time, I was feeling overwhelmed with sadness so I listened to a whole bunch of Michelle mp3s for over 24 hours including in my sleep through headphones.... Several telesummit replays plus (and I don't recommend this for the super energy sensitive) the entire series she did on core beliefs and negative emotions that's supposed to take 14 weeks.... over and over and over. Sometime after 24 hours and before 48 had passed, that lump was gone--and I felt for it several times over subsequent days--NADA. Michelle's releasing work is very powerful. I did her workshop live in Los Angeles and felt wonderful afterward--albeit spaced out. I totally recommend her work!"

~ Anon - USA [March 2014]

I feel a joy and peace in my heart I have been longing for.

"I have been on Michelle’s program for the past two months and it has been truly transformational. I have been able to finally go past some blocks I have been working on for years and some blocks I was not even aware off. I feel a joy and peace in my heart I have been longing for, for a very long time. I can only recommend her work highly. She is so loving, compassionate and committed ...she is the real deal."

~ Ute, Australia [February 2014]

I feel happy every day!

"Aloha Michelle,

You were lovely on Eram's call today and she is such a supporter of your work. I hope a wonderful new group assembles for you, as we all did back in August. It's been a great experience and I feel cleared through and through, thanks to all your releases. The first session (August) was a bit bumpy but at the same time exhilarating, as I could feel nearly every release as well as some symptoms and lots of dream activity. I was guided to continue with the second and third sessions, which just completed. I only felt a few of the releases, almost no symptoms, and a high level of joy throughout. Now I'm gifting myself with Divine Love for December and looking forward to extending the ride with you a bit longer. I don't want to get off!

I feel happy every day, I am in continual high vibration and can easily release any low ones that creep in. I send love to everyone in my life as part of my daily practice, which feels wonderful. My thoughts and feelings are loving and joyful and life is good! There's almost nothing I want to change - it's all just perfect. How great is that to be able to say? I am so appreciative of your beautiful work, your high vibes and loving, generous intentions towards the whole world. Yes, this is how the world shall be uplifted, as one person at a time decides to focus on love and high vibrations and release everything else. You are a wonderful example for each of us to follow. I love you and appreciate your excellent programs. (And your prices are so very fair and accessible to all who really want to do the work!)"

~ Karen – USA

I was brought up in a family of very dark energies. My mother was mentally ill, and I had an older sister who was narcissistic and very cruel. As a result of being on the receiving end of so much abusive energy I have lived my life feeling entangled and controlled by what I defined as negative and dark forces. At times in the past as I did my therapeutic work and began to face my inner demons and terror I often felt what I described as a possession.

Then I discovered you and your energy work. I did the dark energy package with such relief and success that I no longer have these beliefs or the experience of same. I highly recommend this work to all who have these been abused ,are in abusive relationships or who feel the presence of dark forces. Occasionally I feel the urge for a “tune up” and replay one or more of the recordings.

So thank you for this and all of your healing work.

Lucetta - NorthCarolina, USA

Michelle, I felt your special energy inside me only moments after I signed up.   

- Jeanne

Life is amazing and wonderful & I'm in a perpetual high vibe thanks to all I learned & practiced with you. Much love to you, joy & wonderfulness.  Keep sending the newsletters. We love to hear from you. 

 - Luana  

I can't thank you enough and I don't even think there are any words in the English language or any other language to describe what I am feeling and what you have very very generously and authentically shared with me.

It has been an incredible journey.

I have a lot more self confidence, my home has a super high vibration as I play the Pure Love Transmission on a loop day and night, there is so much more laughter, joy, love and most importantly peace within my home.

I am buzzing all day long he!he!he!



Thank you ,  I purchased the package ,and it's wonderful .you gave me very much encouragement.

 - Ester

Your lives will improve on every level physical, emotional, mental & spiritual.

"I had been participating in Michelle Carters release programs as well as many live calls since August 2013 and had had and still keep on having great many shifts , clearings and gains. My whole hearted endorsement of what She has to offer to whole spectrum of seekers from mundane every day kind of issues to "old" souls on their path back home / enlightenment / ,light-workers and everyone and all in between, not only can but most assuredly will benefit by her unique and such special gifts. So dear beloved friends do yourselves a blissful favour ,get the help at hand and your lives will improve on every level physical , emotional, mental as well as spiritual thank You Michelle for doing such a great Job at making this world a better place ,by helping so many kind regards"

~ Morius Gajewski

I have been cleaning up for some years your audios leave me in a sense of peace and gratitude.

 - Pat

For the FIRST TIME, I began to feel some energy moving in me

"DEAR Michelle, I have been seeking and listening to light workers and energy workers.

I have to tell you!! When I listened to your audio replay three days ago For the FIRST TIME, I with all certainty began to feel some energy moving in me I listened to your replay 5 times and felt it every time…This is why I decided to make that big financial commitment, that I knew my husband will have a fit when he finds it…and I understand why…because of our finances…..

BUT I had FAITH and I BELIEVED….and I downloaded the audios and MAN !!!

I was feeling tingling in different areas of my body, it began slowly, but ‘it has spread And my whole body is beginning to feel it !! More tingle in some areas than others But I am CONVINCED my body and spirit is vibrating on a higher level and I am So excited to see how intense this gets and what changes from my husband come From this as well .

SO I am either having an emotional breakdown, and physical symptoms…

OR THIS IS WORKING !!! And I BELIEVE It is the latter !I AM SO EXCITED MICHELLE….and SO THANKFUL I found you and that you are giving Me your best, just like you told me you would !!!


IT makes me weep in gratitude as I am writing this to you. AT LAST !!!! THE DIVINE LOVE HAS COME to REPAIR and REPLENISH my BODY MIND AND SPIRIT

And I am believing that the Life I have believed in all of my life will be MINE NOW !!!

Through tears of Joy, I offer you MUCH LOVE AND APPRECIATION !!!!


~ Susie USA

WOW Michelle...Im stunned of your clarity, JUST loved the message just sent...Totally resonates with me and lm feeling all tingling inside...feeling so happy and alive!! LOVE

 - Annelie

I found an amazing job with like minded people

"I have participated in other energy transmission and clearing programs in the past, but nothing compares to the experience I had during Michelle Carter's Pure Love Forever Program. The energy transmissions and clearings were extremely powerful. One of the first things that happened was that I found an amazing job with like minded people who are committed to making a difference in the world. It is an exciting opportunity and I feel totally blessed to be heading in this new career direction. Besides being such a powerful conduit for pure love, Michelle is one of those special people who holds such pure intent and integrity in her actions that she creates a totally safe and sacred container for our journey. I felt like I had the arms of an angel surrounding me during my healing process, and I am eternally grateful to Michelle for this program. If you can choose only one thing to do for yourself to improve or move forward in your life, this would be it. Michelle addresses the deepest core issues and releases them, opening the door to new possibilities. Thank you Michelle for your incredible high vibration transformational healing."

~ KC, California

You Are Truly A Human Angel..
"Love you my Dearest Most Special Freind ...
What A Blessing You Are......
We Need More People Like U In This World. ….
Thanks 4 Everything U Do For Us All You Are Trully A Blessing In Our Lives..
You Are Truly A Human Angel.."
~ Isha

Working with Michelle Carter has lifted me from the depths of despair, to a new found state of enjoying life and wanting to live. I highly recommend her unique talents to anyone who would like to leave pain behind and look forward to a brighter future.

 - Caroline Nettle 

You inspire me, thank you.

"It was enlightening to say the least to hear you story Michelle and I think that is such a big help because we can see where you started and where you are now. Michelle I am grateful for every time I get to hear you and benefit from your releasings and your energy. It was especially nice to get to see you as well as hear you on the video call with Shefali. : ) You did a great job and I just felt so happy for you because I knew it was out of your comfort zone, and there you were doing so well!! You inspire me, thank you."

~ Much Love, Gini

Michelle, I've decided that, besides my beautiful children, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me.       

 - Joan Warder

Since I started this journey and program with Michelle my life has transformed to a happier and more love filled one than ever before. Her audios transform situations and people and her clearings have dissolved many up to now unresolved issues regarding love and abundance. It is also the easiest program to follow and do! Eternally grateful to her and this program which I will continue using forever.  Blessings and thanks.

 - Yvette Aitken

“Michelle Carter’s healing transmissions are like no others.  The energies are quite amazing and very powerful! 

 - Nicky

THANK YOU MICHELLE...I have no words to express my gratitude for this wonderful gift of a month of healing energy with you.  I can feel it, and it is WONDERFUL.  Deep love and appreciation to you, Dear One.

Pamela Campbell

I feel calmer, I feel more stable of being me, I feel more joyous

"Since Your first live talk show with Eram, Michelle Carter, I have been using Your audios for daily support, have taken live calls with You and I Your work is very supportive and effective. I really feel the difference in my life, especially internal - I feel calmer, I feel more stable of being me, I feel more joyous, I feel more effective in daily life and the situations I`m in. It`s amazing, how Pure Love audio alone works in any environment. Especially children and animals feel it so much to cling on it. The best part of all is that inner destructive energies running on cycles, had been disappointing previously, is gone. So releasing that calmness and serenity is. Thank You for Your generosity, Michelle, you are amazing gift-giver and huge icebreaker - it`s great pleasure to be around You (even no matter remotely). Thank You for giving Your self and Your strengths to everyone."

~ Diksha

Thank you so much Michelle ! I love these multi layering transmissions . I feel a tingle in the back of my head, my fingertips of my right hand and a little tingle in my chest in front of my heart.  

 - Suze

Michelle has totally transformed my life in a very short amount of time.

"Firstly I have never written a testimonial before and the main purpose of sharing this one is so others do not have to go through what I have gone through most of my life. Since I have come across Michelle and did a few of her releasing programs and initially her 30 days healing program my life has catapulted to a more happier, loving and positive direction in more ways than I could have only once dreamed about. Up until that time I had bought every Self-Help book you could name and had also bought countless packages from other healers which to be honest made little or no difference to my life I was just as stuck if not even more stuck in my life than I had when I first started. I wasn't that person with one or two issues in my life, I actually had big issues in all areas of my life. Michelle has been my Guardian Angel from up above. She has totally transformed my life in so many different ways in a very short amount of time. Before, I would always let events and people drag me down but after being on Michelle's program I have been able to release things very quickly and return to a place of love and serenity. Her clearings have got rid of issues I have had since I was a child or maybe even earlier.

The Audios which accompany the program are just phenomenal. They magically resolve situations, it actually feels like you are in possession of a Magic Genie. The really good thing about this program is you neither need a lot of time for this to implement it into your life and it is also very affordable. I totally feel so blessed that Michelle is in my life and I totally love her program. She is the most kind-hearted and compassionate person I have ever come across. I will be using Michelle's program forever. May this World be blessed with more people like Michelle Carter as she is an Angel from up above. This World is so blessed to have her."

~ Isha A. Edinburgh UK

I'm so lucky to have met you! Thanks God!    

 - Rita