My Work

My Divine Purpose

I feel I have a Divine purpose for being here on earth so my work consists of two aspects:

* Global energy work to heal our world, revoke evil and raise the collective frequency
* Energy work to help individual people heal their lives and be free of dark and evil attacks.  


I love channelling energy! I spend hours a day channelling energy to myself and the world, feeling the energies leave and the feeling the Pure energies flowing in and soaking up this amazing experience!

It brings me great pleasure to know that my energy channelling is making a difference to our world and to the people that I work with.

I totally believe that energy channelling can positively heal people’s lives and that all illnesses and issues can be healed with energy healing. Some issues are more challenging than others and take more time, effort and a greater Pure power to heal, whilst some issues just vanish and go!

My Work

You can find out about the different techniques I use in my work at My Audios.  I use these techniques in all the energy channelling that I do. I use my Pure Divine Channelling abilities in the following:

  • Release emotions and trauma without reliving it
  • Release beliefs and mind programming 
  • Release and revoke spells, dark energies, attacks and evil
  • Release blocks around your heart, soul and anywhere in your energy
  • Work through all lifetimes and all layers of your energy
  • Fill your energy with Pure Love, Light, Truth, Peace & Stillness to feel good
  • Float your energy and raise your consciousness to speed up your ascension
  • Provide powerful audios and support for Light Souls fighting evil, to fully feel their inner power and feel confident to shine! Please ask me for more details.
  • Free support on my network for those who buy my audios or Pure Remote Transmissions and wish to join. (Email link when you purchase.)

My Mission

My vision is to have peace on earth. Many people may consider this a ridiculous or impossible task, but I feel that peace on earth is possible and it will happen when enough people change and raise their vibration, so that the vibration of the world raises enough to shift into peace, love and joy for us all.

When we raise our vibrations enough, by releasing and removing all low vibrations that are stored and hiding in our energy field then we can move into effortless flow. This is when just sending out a high vibration thought will bring that thought into our physical realities.

We can all live in a world where:

  • People feel happy for no reason!
  • People spontaneously smile for no reason!
  • Random acts of kindness are a normal part of daily life!
  • People overflow love to everyone they meet, and life is full of joy, happiness and laughter!
  • Evil has been eradicated and cannot ruin our lives



This is being more of a reality for so many people! What you do counts, so start to cleanse your energy field every day and help to raise the vibration of the world!

Peace on Earth - What Can We all Do?

Many people feel that they are helpless to do anything to create peace, however this is far from the truth. We can all do far more than we believe and when like minded souls join together then even more can and is achieved.

Please do read these articles I wrote about:-

The more people who take action, if only to send healing Love, Light & Peace to the world each day then the bigger the collective energy will be.

Peace on Earth is possible and many are working very hard to create it, and we will.