
Are You Fighting the Universe?

Energy Global Global change Michelle Carter

What are You Choosing Flow or Resistance? The planets are really pushing us into change right now. The energy really is 'it's time to move out of the old and all that hasn't served you in the past' into a new awareness and a new way of living. When we accept this change is needed and going to happen, then we can go with the flow and allow the universe to guide us through the process, just as it did with me and moving house in such a short space of time and also with the publishing of my book,...

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Why are we being fed by a poison expert?

Awaken Global Global change Michelle Carter

  I recently watched a short video about Monsanto and Roundup on Facebook by the Undercurrent, and this video ended with: Why Are We Being Fed by a Poison Expert? When we really take in this question the stupidity of it really hits us in the face! Like yes, why are we all being fed by a poison manufacturer, isn't that just too crazy to be real? Many things in life that are being revealed to us are actually feeling too crazy to be real and true and that is of course one of the reasons they get away with...

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The Global Shift & A New Way of Living!

Energy energy healing Global Global change Love Michelle Carter self-love

Well I say 'A New Way of Living', but actually it is very, very old! It's the way we used to live before industry and technology took over, and the way natives still live today. I'm not referring to lack of industry and technology though, I'm talking about how we have  lost touch with nature and our inner instincts that guide us so well.  We are all so programmed by society to live by rules and regulations and to think our way through our lives. This is such a large block for so many people that I was guided to...

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Can We Truly Find Inner Peace & Joy in our Current World?

emotions energy healing healing Joy Love Michelle Carter Peace self-love

There is so much talk and teaching about finding inner peace and joy.  To get close to achieving this we need to really love, honour and value ourselves. We will never find inner peace if we don't truly love and like ourselves. So what when we do truly love ourselves and are proud of what we are doing and the positive ripples we are sending out into the world to help others? Can we then experience true inner peace and joy? This is a question I was asking the universe, well actually it was more phrased like 'how can you...

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Has the Tide Finally Turned on Injustice?

Justice Michelle Carter Truth

There is so much injustice in the world and often this is because people are too afraid, embarrassed or feel shamed to speak the truth.  However, the tide has finally turned and people are now willing to stand up and not just speak out about injustice, but are willing to take positive action to create change. So huge YAY to that!! Take the issue of Raif Badawi who was sentenced to 1000 lashes and ten years in prison. Public outcry at this injustice has been huge worldwide, and he has only received one set of lashings because of this public outcry...

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