Michelle Carter
Revoking Stealing Your Energy, Wealth & Destiny
Revoking Stealing Your Energy, Wealth & Destiny
Powerful energy work to Revoke:
- Energy Harvesting
- Stealing Wealth & Legacy
- Destiny Swapping
- Blocking Your Creativity & Divine Purpose
- Silencing Your Voice
If you have struggled throughout your life or for a certain number of years with energy, wealth and having things flow in your life and you have done lots of energy work to be free of attacks and sabotage then it could be that you have someone / energy / entity / group of people / satanic cult / coven of witches that have been binding you to harvest your energy and steal your wealth and legacy and even trying to do a destiny swap with you.
This all sounds so crazy I know, and whilst I was aware of energy harvesting and energy vampires, this being able to steal someone's wealth, Divine legacy and do a destiny sway is new to me. This has come up in many tarot readings that I have listened to and last night I listened to another one where it came up and I got that kick in the gut feeling when she said 'someone has been stealing your wealth and living your life for ten years or more.' At first I dismissed this as not being for me, as it was a general reading, but then those words came back to me, and the ten years kind of kicked in and made sense from 2013 - 2023 is ten years and it was in 2012 / 2013 that I started to listen to Tele-summit healing calls to heal myself of adrenal fatigue.
I felt anger and upset that someone I went to for healing had been stealing my energy and wealth for themselves. That they had seen my Light, tuned into my energy, seen my destiny and done dark deeds, black magic, remote viewing, astral travelling and more to keep tabs on me and keep stealing my energy, renewing contracts that I didn't know I was in! Like what the hell, who does that to someone? I have been sharing that there are dark healers out there for years, but I didn't know that this person was dark and had been doing this to me, literally stopping and blocking my sales and using my energy to get sales for them - it was unbelievable!
I know that being angry is low energy and is feeding the evil, so I have a policy to not get mad but to get even, so I did, by writing the wording for these audios and then recording them. After I had done this and had them playing for a few hours, I had more inspiration come in and I amended the wording to include creativity and silencing your voice which was brought up my someone here to be worked on and added the last audio to reclaim your energy, which is so important!
Sometimes life just feels like a horror movie that never ends, keeps changing but doesn't end and my intention is to end the horror movie and life my destiny free of being attacked by dark energies and people who think they can steal the energy, wealth and destiny of Light Souls. Well they can't this is not on, and we will stop them from doing it!
Audio 1 - Unsealing & UnbindingThese dark people and entities can bind us into contracts that we don't know we are in, which makes it hard for us to be free of their dark contract until we unseal, unbind and free ourselves from this binding. So the first audio is working on doing this.
Audio 2 - Revoking Energies & Entities
Once we are free of the sealing and binding of contracts on us, we want to revoke the dark intentions and stealing of our energy, wealth and destiny, to stop this from happening, so this audio is working on doing this.
Audio 3 - Cutting Ties & Filling Ties
As always we need to cut ties and so I have included this cutting ties and filling them as specific energy work for those who have been stealing your energy, wealth and destiny.
Audio 4 - Reclaiming Your EnergyFinally we want our energy back! I know many Light Souls feel that their energy has been fragmented over the years, so this audio is reclaiming our energy that has been stolen, harvested and fragmented, past, present and future, through all timelines to ensure that we get all our energy back, transmuted and purified!
Listening Order
I recommend that you listen to these audios in order, but you can listen to Audio 1 on day one and if you feel okay then listen to Audio 2 on day 2 and so on. Then repeat this over and over until all the energies have gone.
You will need to loop these audios to fully clear and cleanse your energy of these entities and energy, but this is very intense energy work, so do start slowly. As this is such intense energy work you may find that my Cosmos Intense Clearing Audiois needed to clear out the releasing energies more powerfully.
Revoking Stealing Your Energy, Wealth & Destiny Audio Set
These audios are short, powerful and to the point!
This audio set includes these 5 audios:
Audio 1 - Unsealing & Unbinding
Audio 2 - Revoking Energies & Entities
Audio 3 - Cutting Ties & Filling Ties
Audio 4 - Reclaiming Your Energy
Audio 5 - Cosmos Clearing
The Energy Work for these audios includes:
Audio 5 - Cosmos Clearing
Energy work to clear away the energies as they release:
Cosmos Clearing, Cosmos Filling, Cosmos Floating
Repeated for 6 mins.
Shift the Frequency - Audios
- Each audio is between 2.40mins to 5.20 mins
- Main track with audible powerful energy work & 5 Silent Tracks
- 2 Silent Filling Tracks
- Silent Ungrounding Track
- Silent Clearing Track
- Silent Floating Track
- Format - mp3 downloads
- Cosmos Clearing Audio is 6 mins & is designed to be played on loop
If you would like more information about these audios then please message me.
Listening Advice
Please start by listening just once and playing a Clearing Audio afterwards.
It can take several hours to react to an audio, and sometimes energy can still be coming up days later, so I recommend on listening just once a day for several days and then slowly increase the frequency when you know that you're not being overwhelmed with energies leaving.
When we release dark energies, they usually react and start to attack us, so for this reason I recommend listening / playing my Pure Protection Audio whilst working with any of my audios in this members only group.
If you have any questions regarding your listening experiences then please message me and join the Members Only Audio Support Group, link in email when you purchase.
You can also search for #ListeningAdvice for articles that I've already posted.
Recommended Audios
The following audios will work well with the Shift the Frequency Cutting Cords Audios
If you would like more information about these audios then please email me.
Free On Going Support!
For Advice, Tips & Support on how to get the most out of these Shift the Frequency Audios, do join my FREE Shift the Frequency Support Group, private platform. You will receive the link in your welcome email that will follow after purchasing.