Michelle Carter Divine Channel
Remote Pure Transmissions - 3rd Eye & Pineal Gland
Remote Pure Transmissions - 3rd Eye & Pineal Gland
Awaken Your Psychic Abilities!
Feel Light Flow through your Pineal Gland!
The Power of Our 3rd Eye
For centuries people have known about the power of Pure creation through our pineal gland flowing out of our 3rd Eye.
For many if not most people this connection has been blocked so we are not feeling and using our Pure Creation Power.
Flowing the purest and most powerful universal energies through your pineal gland every day for a month is really going to open up this area and make it easier for you to have real Pure connection of energy flowing to and through your pineal gland for you to use for Divine good.
Benefits of these Powerful Remote Transmissions!
- What is so great about these transmissions is that you just don't have to do anything!
- You just sign up and be open to receive!
- No remembering or action needed by you!
- The Pure energy being sent is the highest and purest frequency I can send
Each WEEKDAY for a month or 1/2 month I will send Pure Love, Light & Stillness Transmission energies through your pineal gland so you can have a more open and stronger flow of Pure energy through your pineal gland to your 3rd Eye for Pure Creation.
These transmissions are great for anyone wanting to feel a stronger Pure connection, and feel they have more Pure power to create good in the world. They can help you to feel more Divine flow and be able to do more good in the world.
You will receive this Pure Transmission remotely each day, so you don't need to do anything after you have signed up, just receive and enjoy feeling these amazing high frequencies!
These transmissions will start on the 1st of each month, and run calendar monthly so do book in time to receive your full transmissions!
Monthly subscription Pure Light to Your 3rd Eye Transmissions are available at £11 per monthly, rolling membership, start the day you book.

I can honestly say that receiving the energy healing for the pineal gland has been incredibly supportive and transformative. It made the difference between being taken off course by global happenings and ultimate distractions. During this time, my computer's hard drive died and I needed it replaced. I lose everything I hadn't backed up. It made me think of memory in the sense of the patterns and beliefs we have from difficult one. I felt this was reminding me I had a clean slate to start anew. This has been so incredible for my journey and I have had the chance to experience each of the different energy offerings since June. Feeling very much blessed and grateful to Michelle!
I have been receiving these transmissions from Michelle for about a month now and can say that I am feeling and seeing opening in many areas - feels like it is positively working on my mind, 3rd eye, Pineal, Pituitary, my physical brain and even my Thymus area. Lots of dreams around work being done in those areas and there are days where I feel the peace & stillness in my head which is such a wonderful feeling. I will definitely be continuing with this work! Thank you Michelle!