Michelle Carter Divine Channel
Going Deep Abundance Program - Audio 1
Going Deep Abundance Program - Audio 1
For Light Souls stuck in lack & nothing works!
Powerful Progressive 6 Audio Program
Going Deep to the Start of Your Blocks
Going Deep
My Going Deep Programs are for Light Souls who have already done so much energy work and yet they still feel stuck.
It is very powerful energy work and Going Deep means just that! In my Going Deep programs we are going back to the start of the issue, however deep or however many lifetimes away that was for you!
Abundance Program
This Going Deep Abundance Program goes really deep, and when I say really deep I mean to the start of the issue, through all lifetimes, working on all blocks and barriers and all energies stopping you from having effortless flowing abundance deep!
As this energy work is going so deep it is going to be intense energy work with lots of deep blocks releasing, so it is recommended that you have already worked with my audios / remote energy work before you start this program and are aware of how powerful my current energy work is in 2019!
Who Is This Program For?
This program has been specially designed for those who are used to my energy work and who really want to go deep to the core of the issue, in this case the core of lack, struggle, poverty and hardship and to release and disconnect from all energies that keeping them in lack and not having flowing wealth and abundance.
If you are new to my work then do check out my other Wealth / Abundance Audios first.
Energy Work in this Program
This Going Deep Abundance Program will go to the start of the lack issues for you and will work forwards through time to now, making sure that all time and all energies are worked on. For this reason the program does need to be done in order starting with this first audio.
Energy work in this program includes:
- Ungrounding
- Unanchoring
- Unlinking
- Cutting
- Disconnecting
- Revoking
- Releasing
- Repelling
- Filling to Overflowing
- Engulfing
- Floating
- Clearing
From all energies causing lack, poverty, struggle, hardship, not enough and not having flowing abundance, including all issues linking to these and all energies sabotaging in any way, including:
- Black magic, spells, curses etc
- Dark energies attacking you
- Grids. webs and matrix energy / connections
- Demon connections, energies and contracts
Progressive Program of 6 Audios
This program contains 6 audios:
- 1 Filling the Void with Pure Abundance Audio
- 5 Going Deep Disconnecting, Releasing and Cutting Audios
The Filling the Void with Pure Abundance audio is to be used before and after each of the 5 Going Deep Disconnecting audios 1 -5. It can also be played on it's own or added to other playlists you may have and once you are used to it you can loop this audio.
The 5 Going Deep Disconnecting Audios are progressive and need to be worked with one at a time. When you feel the amount of energy releasing and leaving with audio 1 has reduced to not much then you can progress on to Audio 2 and so on.
These audios go progressively deeper and deeper as you work through the audios, to the start of this lack and struggle issue, working to disconnect and release you from all blocks, anchors, programming and energies that are stopping you from having and receiving flowing abundance.
I have been guided to not share any more information about what is on the audios so that this really powerful energy work cannot be sabotaged. It is so important that Light souls can finally be free of lack and struggle and are able to move into having effortless flowing abundance.
Purchasing the Program
This program has been split into 5 stages for the 5 Program Audios, with Audio 1 also including the Filling Audio.
Each stage is £28.00 and you will receive a link to the next stage by email once you have completed the stage you are on.
Stage 1 / Audio 1 has 2 audios, you will receive the Filling Audio when you purchase as your download audio and the program audio 1 will be sent out by email a few days later so your energy is properly prepared for the program audio before playing it.
- Audio 1 & Filling Audio
- Audio 2
- Audio 3
- Audio 4
- Audio 5
Multi-Layers: Silent & Low Volume
Each audio has a track that you hear with echo fading in and out of the left and right headphones, making the audio even more powerful if you listen through headphones.
The main energy work for audios 1-5 is a silent track and includes the exceptionally powerful energy work to release, cut and disconnect you and your energy from ALL ENERGIES acting on you from the start of this being an issue for you. For some people this will be going back through many, many lifetimes and for others it will be less.
This has been done as a silent layer for two reasons:
- If your conscious mind doesn't know what energy work is being done in the moment then it cannot sabotage it!
- It is more enjoyable to listen to the positive filling than hearing all the releasing and disconnecting being done
Other silent layers on Audios 1 -5 include:
- Ungrounding, releasing stuck grounded in energy causing blocks
- Clearing all releasing energies out of your energy field
- Filling with Pure Energies and Pure Abundance to Overflowing
- Floating into Higher Realms
These silent layers are working throughout the audios to maximise the power of the audio and ensure that all energies are cleared out of your energy field as quickly as possible and the space created is filled with Pure energy to raise your vibration and with floating being done throughout too to really keep your vibration as high as possible throughout the audio.
This means feeling less intense releasing symptoms and feeling more of the good whilst having even more powerful energy work than on any of my other audios.
Main Audio
The main audible track starts and ends with powerful Filling Energy Work to raise your vibration and keep your energy filled with Pure Energies.
There is lots of floating energy work throughout the audio so the disconnecting can be done easily and to keep your vibration high after the disconnecting work has been done.
Listening Guidance & Audios 2-5
You will receive guidance emails once you purchase audio 1, advising you on how to get the most from this audio.
After a week you will receive an email with the link to purchase audio 2, and this will continue for the remaining audios 3, 4 and 5.
You can purchase audios 2-5 at your pace, just keep the email links and buy when you are ready for the next audio.
The program has been set up this way to help those having financial issues to afford the program, rather than a larger one off payment to have the complete program.
Audio Format - mp3 download
Audio 1 - 8 mins 50 seconds
Filling the Void Audio - 6 mins 20 seconds
See More Customer Testimonials

I have been getting a great deal of abundance and opportunities for abundance, but, I am working hard and I have less time. So, I need to work on gaining a life balance. I guess, I should have intended for a work/life balance when I was intending for abundance. Lol!!
I owe this to the going deep program and your abundance transmissions and mp3's and my dedication and determination. They really work!
I have started working on the Going Deep Abundance programme, I have only completed Audio 2 about to move on to Audio 3. All I can say is Wow!
This energy is so powerful! I am loving it! And I am one of the most sceptic people you will meet.
I have worked with Michelle for a few years now and this is the most powerful to date for me anyway. Something has definitely shifted.
Although I have felt fatigued, which I put down to energies releasing, I have felt a great calm. I trust the process and I trust Michelle.
I love the fact that she has the audio's that you listen to with filling with all the good stuff and that silently in the background all the releasing of all the bad stuff and lifetimes of blocks, curses, spells, cutting cords etc are happening without you having to hear it which if you did, you would probably block it out or sabotage it. So I am trusting the process and going with it and feel quite excited about it! :-)
Friends have commented that my energy and Aura has changed and I do believe that as I heal so will my daughter. I feel already she is reaching out to me after not talking for a few months.
Thank you Michelle for the work you do and for helping humanity giving your time and this wonderful energy work that you have created at prices we can afford! :-) Very Grateful! <3 Love & Light and many blessings to you <3 <3