Michelle Carter Divine Channel
Releasing & Floating Above Spells & Curses
Releasing & Floating Above Spells & Curses
Feeling Attacked - Is it Spells & Curses?
Spells are very nasty energy and can happen at any time and appear totally random to you, or you could think that you're being clumsy or unlucky. Many people go through their whole lives thinking it is them and have no idea that they are actually being affected by spells and curses.
Releasing & Floating Above Spells & Curses
If you are feeling attacked or cursed then chances are that you are because our feelings are pretty accurate!
So many people don't believe that spells and curses actually exist so this can cause us to doubt what we are feeling.
Society is very mind programmed and this is a subject that most people either don't want to discuss or think it is a load of rubbish! This can make it really hard to get the help needed to release spells and curses, and have control of your life back!
Doing nothing will not change what is happening! Powerful specific energy work is needed to shift out this nasty spell and curse energy from you and your life.
Spells & curses can include:
- Odd accidents & injuries?
- Cuts & burns?
- Always accident prone?
- Acne, warts, veruccas, moles?
- Grey hair, hair loss, premature ageing?
- Patterns of bad that don't shift?
- Relationships always going wrong?
- Jobs and money feeling cursed?
This audio really is a God send to those people whose lives are being plagued by spells and curses. Many situations and issues are actually caused by a spell or curse without us even knowing this. Recent work on a group has shown that allergies, hay fever etc. can respond well to the spells and curses audio. (This does vary from person to person and not everyone is affected by spells and curses, in fact many people are not.)
Sometimes an issue can be dark energies and sometimes it can be spells and curses and the right release is needed to shift the issue. It is a good idea to work with the Spells & Curses Audio first to release any spell energy and then move onto the dark energy audios afterwards.
The Floating Above Spells & Curses Audio is a very powerful way to remove spells, curses and witchcraft that have been placed on you and your belongings. Any of our belongings can also be affected by spells and curses, often our computers, phones or cars will play up for no reason and then when this spells & curses audio is played the issues just go!
This audio is truly amazing & has been called a piece of Divine Magic! It is very powerful and will not only work on spells & curses placed on you but will also work, when played on loop, for your computer and belongings.
Length: Approx 8 mins (mp3 download)

This audio is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. I had tried every other form of protection and I was at the end of my tether and in tears after being relentlessly attacked by spells, hexes, curses, voodoo dolls, and other nasties of black magic. I was literally exhausted and not able to think straight and I tried this and poof! No more pain! Initially I saw the title and had thought it was just for spells and curses but it also works for sorcery and witch magic, so now I no longer live in fear of the next black magic attack! I can sleep again at night! It is a life-saver. I have it looped 24x7 now. Note: I had previously tried the Protection from Evil audio but that had not stopped all the black magic thrown at me.
You're dark program and protection mp3's I have used for a very long time and I play them on silent at work or when I am sleeping and I cherish them like pure gold!!
When you are under attack you really see what works and how much.
These have been very powerful in my life and I thank you for creating all your wonderful programs and work!!
I found this audio to be intense and effective when clearing energy.
When I first stumbled on Michelle's website this is the very audio that caught my attention. I thought that I had done so much work on releasing spells&curses that I could only be free of such toxic energies. However shortly before buying this audio I was walking in a museum exhibiting lots of ethnic artworks charged with magic and felt so much energy twisting around my body that doubt started rising. I then placed the order for the "disconnecting from dark" audio package and played the spells and curses as a starter. I felt so much being released I thought I would never manage to get rid of it all! My best advice for anyone who has been involved in energy healing, ascension work and who is looking to clear their field and past life issues would be : go for Michelle's spells&curses audio! It's a day to day remedy to lots of physical and energetic symptoms that we have been dragging for eons.
I have this audio going in a playlist for protection practically 24/7. It is unbelievable how much these nasties interfere in our lives - everything from little inconveniences to major attacks like accidents & health issues. If you are having any sort of challenge in your life, this audio will help give you a more clear space to deal with it and will definitely help stop attacks/interference. A real must have!