Michelle Carter Divine Channel
Chakras - Filling Your Crown Chakra
Chakras - Filling Your Crown Chakra
7th Chakra - Crown
The 7th chakra is your crown chakra and this is where the Pure energies flow into your physical body. If this chakra is partially or completely blocked then there is a big reduction in how much Pure frequency can flow into your body and flow to your other chakras.
The crown chakra is like a gateway allowing Pure Consciousness and Pure energies to flow into your physical body and needs to be fully open for you to ascend and have your other chakras open.
The more Pure Consciousness and Pure Energies you have flowing through your Crown Chakra, the more open it is, but also the more Pure energy is able to flow down through to your other chakras.
Energy Work - Filling Your Crown Chakra
The energy work on this audio is Cosmos Filling Your Crown Chakra with the following Pure Energies and flowing these energies to and through your Crown Chakra.
- Pure Peace
- Pure Stillness
- Pure Love
- Pure Light
- Pure Truth
- Pure Wisdom
This filling is repeated on the audio for just under 3 minutes.
Audio - mp3 download, Length: Approx 2.40 mins
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