Michelle Carter Divine Channel
Cosmos Filling Your Adrenals
Cosmos Filling Your Adrenals
Raise Your Frequency
Filling Your Adrenals
Cosmos Filling Your Adrenals & Nervous System
Our adrenals and nervous system take quite a bashing from life, fear and low emotions and can easily be overloaded and taken out of balance.
Not only do emotions affect our adrenals but toxins in medications, such as antibiotics can also weaken our adrenals and immune system and cause us to feel easily triggered.
Overloaded adrenals and nervous system will cause the following:|
- Easily triggered by other people
- Feel anger intensely out of nowhere
- Feel very jumpy and jump at hardly anything
- Feel insecure and unsafe
- Cause weakened immune system and let in other illnesses and imbalances
Benefits of Filling & Balancing Your Adrenals
Most people are unaware of how much our adrenals and nervous system impact our physical, emotional and spiritual well being.
It's hard to ascend when you're in a constant state of panic, fear and easily triggered. We need our mind to be calm and still, which to maintain long term needs our adrenals and nervous system to be balanced, so calming and balancing your adrenals will positively impact all areas of your life and well being.
When our adrenals and nervous system are balanced we will feel:
- Calm and not reacting to others
- Safe and secure
- Emotionally well balanced
- Strong immune system
- Good physical health
Raise Your Frequency
Raising your frequency is so important because not only does it align us to the frequency of attracting good and manifesting our desires to us, but it also protects us against lower energies and really protects us.
When your frequency is really high, it will repel lower energies and frequencies from you, so it is the best protection you can have, as well as feeling so good to be living in a high frequency.
About This Audio
This audio works like a rescue remedy and will calm you in the moment when you play it!
Adding this audio to your Shift the Frequency Audios will keep your frequency high between listening to those releasing and disconnecting audios, which makes the shifting out of the low and unwanted energies easier.
This audio can also be played on loop once you are used to it, to really work on calming and balancing your adrenals.
The audio is very simple and clear in intention.
It repeats the following words throughout the audio
"Cosmos Filling Your Mind, Adrenals & Nervous System with Pure Peace & Pure Stillness
Feeling Pure Peace & Pure Stillness fill and flow through your Mind, Adrenals & Nervous System
Feeling Pure Peace & Pure Stillness fill and flow through your Mind, Adrenals & Nervous System"
Audio - mp3 download, Length: Approx 3 mins
Listening Advice
Please start by listening just once and playing a Clearing Audio afterwards, especially if you are new to my energy work.
Once you are used to this audio and the more powerful energies in it you can play more often and build up to loop this audio.
It will work on silent loop, but is more powerful when you listen through headphones.
Free On Going Support!
For Advice, Tips & Support on how to get the most out of these Raise Your Frequency Audios, do join my FREE Shift the Frequency Support Group, private platform. You will receive the link in your welcome email that will follow after purchasing.

Yesterday felt really anxious and nervous and listened to the Cosmos feeling the adrenals with Pure stillness...it really rescued me putting me I'm a calmer place...so really recommended as rescue remedy