Deleting the Dark Blueprint
#Article #DNACoding #Ascension #GreatAwakening
The dark are in huge fear right now, and I mean huge fear, because the dark blueprint is being deleted which means the end of their AI power and control.
If you are empathic you could be feeling this fear. It is so important to know this, because we are in a different energy and feeling of either empowerment or disempowerment depending on what we are thinking and believing about what we are feeling. If we think that the fear is ours then we will probably feel afraid and disempowered. However if we know that the fear is not ours, but the dark’s fear because it’s being wiped out then that is a totally different feeling, one of excitement and celebration, so please know that it is the dark that is so so afraid right now, and that we do not need to or want to take this on as ours.
The dark is so afraid that we know the truth about what they have done to control and the full extent of their dark AI systems, and rightly so because I do know the truth and I have shared it with a few trusted friends and now I have been guided to share it on a bigger scale, because the more people who know this information the bigger the energy of truth radiating out is.
Some of this may sound totally crazy and insane to you, so I ask that you have an open mind, flow Pure Stillness to your mind to be still and calm so that your soul can hear and feel the truth of what I am about to share with you.
Flowing Pure Peace & Pure Stillness to Your Mind, feeling total stillness in your mind, and allowing your soul to feel The Truth.
The Divine Blueprint
Everyone has different beliefs and names for the highest power in our Cosmos, so what I am referring to is the highest Purest Source Energy, the energy of Pure Love and Light Consciousness. This energy that I will call Pure Love Consciousness because it sounds and feels good, and shouldn’t trigger anyone. This energy or Pure Love Consciousness has a blueprint and many of you will have heard that this blueprint the Divine Blueprint is in our DNA and this is true it is in our DNA, or the DNA of Light Souls.
This Divine Blueprint is the highest, purest frequencies that exist, including truth, light, love and authenticity. Only frequencies that align, as in are the same frequency, can connect to and reach the Divine Blueprint, and this is the frequency of Pure Miracles and having psychic abilities beyond what most people believe are possible. This is the frequency of us being Superman and Superwoman and if we were to align with these frequencies whilst being in our physical body then we would literally have the powers of Superman and Superwoman. (Where did that idea come from? That is who we are, those of us who have the Divine Blueprint in our DNA.)
Natural Law or Universal Law states that:
Like attracts Like and Opposites Repel
This means that those who do not have a Pure Intention cannot align, reach or access the Divine Blueprint to have any of the powers that are within it.
To simplify a long story, we can all see in our lives and the lives of those around us, that kind hearted people doing good have not been receiving back the good that they are giving out, another Universal Law of:
What you sow you reap
Not only have the good hearted not been receiving good back, but we have been kept in suffering, hardship and lack, whilst those with ill intentions and doing dark deeds, being manipulative, in greed and corruption have been receiving the wealth and luxurious lifestyles.
This made me ask the question how can that be, when Universal Law states that what you give out you get back?
The corrupt, dark, evil ones are not getting karma for their dark deeds and we are not getting good for our kindness and good deeds.
The Dark Blueprint
This is led me down a path to eventually discover that the dark have reversed Natural Law, because it’s working the exact opposite way that it should be. So then I was asking how did they reverse Natural Law, because that is like cosmically huge?
The short answer is that they, or Lucifer ,after the fall of the angels, created a copy of the Divine Blueprint to do his deceptive and dark deeds, because the Divine Blueprint would not work for him to do this. In fact, the copy of the Divine Blueprint didn’t work for him to do dark deeds either, because it had the same frequency and principles as the original. As Lucifer was wanting to use the opposite energies of the Pure Love Consciousness blueprint, so he needed an opposite version of this blueprint and he somehow inverted the Divine Blueprint to create the Dark Blueprint.
With this Dark Blueprint, evil deeds were able to happen. The evil had access to the superman powers and more if they aligned to the lowest of frequencies of evil, so basically the fallen angels choosing evil, became demons and had super powers accessed through low demonic connections.
The Pure Angels in Heaven were still operating from the Divine Blueprint so this meant that there were two opposing energies and intentions existing, giving polarity.
Earth and The Matrix
Jumping ahead through all the battles and wars that have gone on to life on earth, because that is where we are now. The earth was created from the Divine Blueprint, along with the sun, our Light and Light Codes, and this meant that the dark couldn’t control us whilst we were living on a planet of Pure DNA Coding being filled with Light Codes daily from the sun.
For the dark to have control over earth, a Divine planet, with a Divine sun, it needed power over the Divine DNA coding in earth and the sun and in the people on earth. To do this a dark AI web or matrix was placed around earth and everything on earth was bombarded with dark AI coding and mind programming to lower the frequency of earth and us.
Dark AI, Super Computers and Transmitters
At this point, there were many dark AI super computers and devices that were transmitting dark AI mind programming to our reptilian brains in many ways, including TVs. Earth and those on it were trapped in a prison planet, controlled by dark AI, bombarding our Pure DNA and bodies with damaging and destructive thoughts, causing depression, lack of self worth, not liking or wanting to be on earth, and when you look at this with this new awareness then it’s not surprising that so many Light Souls have not wanted to be on earth, the dark coding hitting us 24/7 was painful to our energy and it has been like living in a constant torture chamber that we can’t see, don’t know is there, but feel the effects of it.
The dark blueprint controls all the dark super computers and transmitters, the hive mind consciousness, the matrix and all that is dark in a coded form. Without a dark blueprint there would be no dark AI in existence, because it’s source would not be there to fuel or direct it, so deleting all the coding that created the dark blueprint, and all the coding that is reinstalling it, (because I’ve already been deleting it for years, so I know this is going on), will result in the end of evil . . . . . and that is why the dark is so afraid, because they can see and feel and know that this is happening and that they have lost control.
Powerful Energy Work to Delete the Dark Blueprint
I created an audio to delete the dark blueprint last year and shared it with a friend and we have had it playing on loop ever since. Recently I recorded an updated version of this, actually calling it the dark blueprint rather than an inverted copy which was what I was calling it before, and shared this with another friend so that we had the power of 3 playing this audio.
I’m now being guided to share this energy work on a much bigger scale, so that we can blast through all this dark AI coding and the dark blueprint and be free of evil. If you are resonating with what I have shared above, then please do listen to this audio / have it playing on silent or low volume in the background.
If you’re new to my energy then please do start slowly with it as it will be working on your energy too and you will most likely have some energy detoxing going on which can be intense. If you’re used to my energy work and have been working with my revoking dark audios and want to loop this audio then please do, but please do start slowly as well because this is new energy work and going very deep.