News — feelings

Were You Loved from Birth or Not & Why Does This Matter?

emotions energy feelings Law of Attraction love self-love

As an Energy Healer this question has often popped up, especially when my clients used to shift out of an issue quicker than me! This seemed crazy to me, as I knew that the energy work I was doing on myself each day was so much powerful than what many of my clients were doing, so how could they possibly shift quicker than me?Well in this instance, it wasn't about the amount or quality of energy work being done, so what was going on?When I looked at this in more detail it came down to what energy we had stored...

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Connecting to Our Souls

emotions feelings soul

Connecting to Our Souls

Feelings are the language of our Souls! This is so such a true statement. If you are feeling any negative emotion then that is a message from your soul that it is not happy about something and it would like you to change so that it can feel happy emotions -  so You Can Feel Happy Emotions!Ignoring your souls communication will result in louder requests, and if we continue to ignore our soul then major life changes will appear in our lives, such as illness, relationship break ups, bankruptcy, redundancy or job changes, or the feeling that everything in our...

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